tly fetishistic-erotic way which, with gradual es- calation to full dressing and the slow accumulation of experiences while dressed, finally leads to a degree of self awareness that "I don't feel like the same person when I'm dressed in feminine things." Thus the duality comes from the experiences lived through and is merely a manisfestation in a single individual of the polorization of society into two ways of living, the masculine and the feminine. Society is dual and in the developed FP it is simply telescoped into one individual life as sometimes the one, sometimes the other.
But this has been a sort of aside to the main story, let's get back to the implications of this work as I see them.
Consider the possibilities for variation in this matter of fetal androgen. First there are two sites of action for two different types of effect which are independent of each other, second there are three degrees of timing, too soon, just right and too late and three degrees of concentration, too little, just right and too much. Thus in each loc- ation there are 9 possible variations. This is over simplified of course because neither time nor con- centration are divided into ridged divisions such as "too soon" or "too much". Each variable has a range between the two extremes. With this in mind the possibilities are fascinating as to what the end results might be in humans. It is not unreason- able to suppose that too little androgen or the right amount at the wrong time would not succeed in bringing about the complete male type differ- entiation of the genitalia. This could account for various types of pseudohermaphrodites--conditions where the anatomy is not completely male.
it is not too far out to speculate that too little androgen or errors of timing at the neural site might result in individuals whose orientation toward the opposite sex (a prerequisite to standard reproductive behaviour) might not be biologically "normal" thus